Disciplemaking is about growing every believer to become part of the advancing of the kingdom of God by themselves making more disciples. When a believer has grown through the other development markers, the final step is to repeat the process by leading someone else through the process.

Repeating through the Discipleship Process
STEP 1: Be recommended by your discipler for the 12 week “Discipler Training”
STEP 2: Complete the “Discipler Training”and turn in your “Application to be a Discipler”
STEP 3: Pray about who God would have you disciple, foster realtionships with young Christians, and consider those with whom the pastor team may seek to pair you.
STEP 4: Invest weekly in helping another believer grow into a disciplemaker
STEP 5: Continue meeting with your discipler occassionally or as needed. Since none of us ever finish learning or growing, even disciplers need encouragment and accountability.