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Among many commands, Jesus said believers must "abide in My word" and "obey My commandments."  This requires an attitude and effort of learning what God has revealed to us in His Word.  GBC has weekly small group Bible studies with a teacher, curriculum, and homework.  These groups meet throughout the week and we would love to get you plugged in to one.

Rather than grasping at random studies or gathering by haphazard age groups, GBC organizes studies to intentionally and progressively build Bible knowledge and understanding.  We have 4 sessions each year.  Our first one is a 5 to 6 week study that the whole church goes through together.  The other 3 sessions are 11 weeks each that run September-July.  Available studies for the upcoming year are published in the fall when sign-ups happen.


check out previous "LEARN" studies online



Get the big picture of what the Bible is about and the major events that mark the progression of God’s Kingdom plan.  Students begin to understand big picture connections in the Bible for themselves.


Studies: Through the Bible in A Year, Kingdom of God, Hebrew History, Worldview, Life of Jesus



Expositional study through books and characters of the Bible as well as each major doctrine.  Students will be given small assignments to help them build a confidence in handling Scripture for themselves.


Studies: Genesis, Pentateuch, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1    & 2 Samuel, Life of David, Life of Moses, Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Psalms, Proverbs, Ezekiel, Hosea, Jonah & Nahum, Acts, Mark, John, Ephesians, 1 & 2 Thess, James, 1 & 2 Peter, God & Bible, Man & Sin, Jesus & Salvation, Angels & Satan


Teachers guide weekly discussion of Bible studies on daily life topics and practical living issues. 


Studies: parenting, marriage, finances, D.E.S.I.G.N for ministry, How to Study the Bible

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(419) 468-3292

5670 OH-19, Galion, OH 44833, USA


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