Before people can walk in a relationship with Jesus, they need to be introduced to Him. Sharing the good news of Jesus, and our own changed lives because of Jesus, is a lifestyle each disciple should live out Monday through Sunday.
Occasionally, Gospel plans special events to help disciples grow in their confidence and understanding of the gospel. We also occasionally plan special events to share the gospel.

Christians committing to a weekly meeting for intentional growth through learning and coaching in a relational learning environment.

Study: Worldview, Intro to the Bible, Basic Bible Teachings, and Ready to Grow.
Interested in more? Send us a message.
Jesus invested His life in preparing men to carry on the mission of reaching the world with the gospel after He was gone.
Went He left earth, He gave His followers one job: "go make disciples"
As followers of Jesus we are all called to reproduce followers of Jesus Christ who reproduce followers of Jesus Christ.